Irish Snap rules
Irish Snap is a drinking variant of the traditional snap card game. It has a few different rules. One being the goal to have the less amount of card in hands. The second being a drinking game.
Unlike some more simple games such as Ride the bus or Friends and Enemies, Irish Snap requires more attention and focus. But this is a fun game to play, especially after a few drinks !
How to play Irish Snap ?
Here is what you will need :
- A regular deck of 52 cards
- Cups for all players
- Beverage
Set up
The set-up is quite straightforward. All players should sit around the table. The dealer will give all cards evenly to the players.
All cards remain face down, on a pile in front of each player. Then, the player at the left of the dealer starts the game.

The first player flips the top card of their pile and places it in the middle of the table. While doing so, he says the word “ace”. Then, the next player to the left flips the top card of their pile, put it in the middle and says the word “two”. Next, the third player also does the same with their card and says “three”, and so on…
At any moment, players can interrupt the above process under the following conditions :
- The card just flipped matches the value of the card previously flipped
- The card just flipped matches the value said by the player who flipped the card
- A jack is flipped
When one of the condition happens, all players must slap the pile of card in the middle of the table. The last player to put one hand on the pile losses. That player must gather all cards played and put them under their own pile. In addition, that player must take one drink.
Then. A new turn starts with the player who just lost. In case, one player slap the middle pile by mistake, that player looses and suffer the same consequence (take all cards under their pile and drinks)
To win, players must get rid of all their cards. The game ends when one player has all the cards
Example of game
- First round :
- First player puts a 10 and says “ace”
- Second player puts an 8 and says “two”
- Third player puts an 8 and says “three”. Two 8s in a row (First condition). All players slap the center pile. The second player was the last to put one hand on the pile. He takes the 3 cards and one drink
- Second round :
- Second player puts a 9 and says “ace”
- Third player puts a 2 and says “two”. The card matches the value said by the player (Second condition). All players slap the center pile. The third player was the last to put one hand on the pile. He takes the 2 cards and one drink
- Third round
- Third player puts a queen and says “ace”
- Forth player puts a king and says “two”
- First player puts a jack and says “three”. A jack is flipped (Third condition). All players slap the center pile. The third player was the last to put one hand on the pile. He takes the 3 cards and one drink.
Have fun and drink alcohol in moderation