Ride the bus drinking game
The Ride the Bus drinking game is a fun and exciting way to spend time with friends. It is also very simple and will not cause headache.
How to play Ride the bus ?
Here is what you will need :
- A regular deck of 52 cards
- Cups for all players
- Beverage
Set up
All players sit around the table. One dealer is designated and will turn over cards as per the following rules
The game is played in four rounds plus a final round. Each round represents a different level of difficulty.
First round : Red or Black ?
Players must guess the color of the next card that will be drawn from the deck. If a player guesses correctly, they can pass their turn. If they guess incorrectly, they must take a drink.
Second round : Higher or lower ?
Players must guess if the next card that will be drawn will be higher or lower than their first card (the one from the first round). If they guess correctly, they can pass their turn. If they guess incorrectly, they must take a drink.
Third round : Inside or outside ?
Players must guess if the value of the next card that will be drawn will be inside or outside the range of their first 2 cards (the ones from round #1 and #2). If they guess correctly, they can pass their turn. If they guess incorrectly, they must take a drink.
Forth round : spades, clubs, hearts, diamonds ?
Players must guess the suit of the next card. If they guess correctly, they can pass their turn. If they guess incorrectly, they must take a drink. Then the player picks up the 4 cards that have been played and keep them in their hand.
Final round : The pyramid

When all players went through the first forth rounds, it is time for the pyramid ! The dealer will start to build a pyramid of cards, face down, with 5 cards on the first row. See picture. Then the dealer will turn over the first card of the bottom row.
If one of the players has one matching card in their hand, they can show it to everybody and force another player to have one drink. Then they discard that card.
Once all cards of the first row have been flipped over, the dealer turns over the card of the second row. The only difference is that players can force another player to take 2 drink. And so on until the fifth row. On the fifth row, if one player has a card matching the only card on this row, he will ask another player to take 5 drinks !
Then, when all cards of the pyramid have been flipped over, the player having the most cards in hard will be declarer the loser !
The loser then has to go once again through the first forth round ! The only difference is that if that player has to succeed the 4 rounds in a row ! If he fails one of the round, he must restart at the first round.
Example of game
- Round #1 :
- Player A chooses black
- Dealer turns over a queen of spades
- Player A does not drink
- Round #2 :
- Player A chooses lower
- Dealer turns over a seven of spades
- Player A does not drink
- Round #3 :
- Player A chooses ten
- Dealer turns over a three of hearts
- Player A takes one drink (Three is outside the 7-Queen range)
- Round #4 :
- Player A chooses clubs
- Dealer turns over a king of diamonds
- Player A takes one drink
Have fun and drink alcohol in moderation